UDC 551.576
The structured data for drought evaluation in Georgia /M.Tatishvili, N.Kapanadze, A.Palavandishvili, E.Khutsishvili/ Transactions IHM, GTU. -2024. -vol.135. pp. 59-63 - Georg, Summ. Georg., Eng.
The statistical analysis of the total monthly precipitation data of satellite and 50 stations located on the territory of Georgia in 2000-2020 period is presented in the paper. All data have been subjected to QC and the following statistical parameters were calculated: Pearson correlation, mean deviation, and absolute deviation, both for the entire period and for months. The programs R and R-instat are used to calculate and visualize these parameters. The satellite data are removed from the CHIRPS database and the precipitation monthly sums are removed from the CLIDATA database of the National Environment Agency. The stations where more than 50% of data were missing were rejected. In general, the spatial-temporal distribution of precipitation is heterogeneous. The correlation coefficient is in good agreement for all cases, and the absolute deviation shows data scattering, which should be related to the complex relief of Georgia, as well as the heterogeneity of data series. The results are presented in tables and graphs. Such analysis allows developing a Combined Drought Index (CDI) and corresponding drought hazard 5km resolution map. The study is important for climate change assessment, hydrometeorological disaster early warning system, as the territory of Georgia is under the risk of these events.